Inclusive Leadership Certificate

Master skills to lead inclusively and claim your place as a transformative leader.

Through five interactive course modules, learn from 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 DEI faculty and subject matter experts. Following each module, participants will engage in hour-long discussions to practice with colleagues how to champion 多样性 and inclusion to build a more inclusive workplace.

The certificate is designed to help current and future leaders recognize and remove barriers to designing diverse and inclusive workplaces and communities. This certificate is appropriate for any industry and organizational size. This certificate is eligible for a total of two (2) Continuing Education Units (CEUs). 


A ten-hour certification where participants will learn and apply skills in belonging, 正义, 股本, 多样性 and inclusion. 


What Sets Agnes Scott's Certificate in Inclusive Leadership Apart? 

Taught by experts with decades of experience and expertise in providing transformative education that prepares learners to play pivotal roles in generating solutions for complex racial and social 正义 issues on a global level while examining the operation of power structures in our educational institutions, 当地社区, 和工作场所.

正规博彩十大网站排名学院 ranks No. 1 among national liberal arts colleges on the list of the Most Innovative Schools for four consecutive years by U.S. 新闻& 世界报道.

Research-based content with real-world practice in 多样性. This program is rooted in a liberal arts education that equips learners with skills and outcomes that have been shown actually to work in a diverse environment.

Agnes Scott is the most diverse liberal arts college in the country. Agnes Scott was named the second most Diversified College by Time Magazine.

Because of its long-standing and strong foundation on 正义, 股本, 多样性, inclusion and belonging, 正规博彩十大网站排名学院 was designated as a Truth, 疗愈, and Racial Transformation (THRT) institution by the Association of American Colleges and Universities. The college continues to receive the Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity, a national honor reserved for U.S. colleges and universities that demonstrate an outstanding commitment to 多样性 and inclusion.

Stay tuned for spring 2024 details. 



Experienced inclusive leadership facilitators who understand the importance of a diverse workforce will guide you through five core modules for a total of five one-hour sessions. 

group of students sit on a ledge in fall clothing while looking at a laptop screen

Module 1: The Landscape of B.J.E.D.I.

Participants will gain a baseline understanding of each component of belonging, 正义, 股本, 多样性 and inclusion, how they impact organizations and how leadership can bring about positive change.

group of people discuss something while looking at computer screen

Module 2: Examining Personal Values and Belief Systems

Explore individual belief systems and values and how they shape perceptions and interactions within an organization.

a group of women wearing red sweaters clap for the performers standing ahead out of focus

Module 3: Assessing Your Organization through an Equity Framework

Learn about an 股本 framework and how to assess your organization through its lens. Gauge how to try out the framework for affecting meaningful change in your day-to-day leadership practice.

three adults sit at a round table in a classroom having a jovial discussion

Module 4: Recognizing Race and Privilege at Home and Abroad

Build intercultural competence and the ability to understand, interact with and lead multinational team members at home and abroad. Participants will be challenged to critically reflect on the intersectional identities that make up their teams and their relevance in a global context.

group of three students walking down sidewalk in front of bright mural of two faces

Module 5: Managing and Communicating with Diverse Teams

Develop a baseline of learning of the impacts of generational differences on teams and how leaders can create intergenerational synergies as part of their team-building strategy.

“When we listen and celebrate what is both common and different, 我们变得更聪明, more inclusive and better as an organization.”
