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俱乐部 & 组织

  • 亲和力: Students of color in the LGBTQIA+ community
  • African Student Association: Students with heritage from across the African Continent
  • American Chemical Society:  American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • 动漫俱乐部: Provides a safe and comfortable atmosphere for anime fans to discuss and learn
  • 提升!: LGBTQIA +学生
  • Association for Women in Mathematics
  • Aurora Arts and Literary Magazine: Publishes a magazine once a year including student poetry, prose, and artwork
  • Black Power Book Club: Reads and discusses novels written by authors who are a part of the African diaspora
  • 黑环无线电: Encourages student creativity by promoting and broadcasting student-generated content
  • Blackfriars: Student theater troupe
  • Caribbean Student Association (CSA): Caribbean Students, and all students of the African Diaspora
  • Catholic Student Organization (CSO): Makes known and promotes the tenants of Catholicism to all interested persons
  • Commuter Student Organization (CSO): Raises awareness of issues facing commuter students
  • Followers of Earth, Nature & Noble Action (FENNA): Explores the varying paths of Earth-based religious practices
  • 阿格尼斯的自由: Empowers and supports individuals that are marginalized based on their legal citizenship
  • 她的学校: Aims to contribute to the living and learning community through online content
  • 希勒尔: Serves the needs of the Jewish student body and educates the campus about Judaic practice
  • IGNITE (Political): Encourages Scotties to actively engage in the political process and assert and demonstrate their beliefs in the public arena
  • Ignite Poetry Collective: Poets sharing their truths and changing their communities through spoken word
  • 拉丁裔UNIDAS: Latinx学生
  • Luchsinger: Student a capella group open to all majors (auditions required)
  • 马沙拉年代.A.C.E (South Asian Cultural Exchange): South Asian students (including Nepal, India, Bangladesh, and others)
  • 砂浆板: Honor society for Seniors; executes Black Cat Week festivities
  • Muslim Student Association (MSA): Promotes awareness of Islam and Muslims and serves Muslim students
  • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP): Serves students identifying as a person of color
  • Organization of Asian Students in the South (OASIS): East Asian students (including China, Vietnam, Thailand, Korea, and others)
  • Ophelia Productions: Seeks to allow a platform for passionate filmmakers to use advance film-making equipment and techniques to produce a visual story
  • oSTEM (Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math): LGBTQIA +学生 in the STEM fields
  • 的承诺: Supports and encourages spiritual growth and faith in Jesus Christ
  • Planned Parenthood Generation Action: Educates about sex education, sexual health, and sexual justice
  • 编程: Plans and executes events that promote a vibrant social life for all Scotties
  • 心理学 & 神经科学俱乐部
  • Public Health Club: Promotes and encourage healthy behaviors on campus
  • Radiant Royalettes: The majorette dance team serves to increase school spirit and help student participants and spectators enjoy events
  • Revolutionary Historians 组织: provide opportunities for students interested in historical issues
  • Scotties for Change: Brings individuals together to build community through community service projects
  • Sigma Alpha Iota Gamma Eta Chapter: Music service fraternity
  • 很快运动: Provides a series of bible studies and meetings where students will learn what it means to follow Christ
  • 交际舞俱乐部: Provides students an opportunity for the Agnes and Atlanta community to learn how to dance in various traditions such as swing, 蓬松, 等
  • 游泳俱乐部: Provides students with an opportunity to participate in swimming on a casual, recreational level
  • 蜜蜂协会: Educates students about bees and their importance, while maintaining and caring for our on-campus hives
  • 概要: The college’s independent student newspaper, published bi-weekly during the academic year
  • UKirk: Presbyterian Ministry student group that meets weekly for conversations and works closely with Decatur Presbyterian Church
  • UNICEF Campus Initiative: Educates, advocates, and fundraisers for UNICEF on behalf of the world’s children
  • URGE at Agnes (Unite for Reproductive and Gender Equity): Educates about reproductive equity
  • Wishmakers: Creating fundraisers to help grant the wishes of children with life-threatening conditions
  • Witkaze: Black student organization